cask owners club

Cask Owner’s Club you say? Well, what does that mean I hear you cry!
Well, allow us to answer that question for you.
Quite simply, The Uncharted Whisky Company has started a The Cask Owner’s Club to say thank you to and reward our customers.
We think that as you have stuck with us, we should stick with you. Like glue.
So what do you get as a member?
  • Exclusive early access to all of our bottlings
  • Exclusive discounts on all of our bottlings- yes even the old, rare and super limited 
  • Early access to all of our new casks shares
  • An exclusive tasting on zoom.
  • Personal service and help to hunt down specific casks
To become a member of our Cask Owners Club, simply buy a share of one of our casks or get in touch to get your hands on your own cask. Browse Cask Shares here or get in touch by emailing You have to be subscribed to our mailing list to find out about these offers. 

enter the ballot

To enter the Chain Pier #2 ballot, please fill out the form below. One entry per person. 

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This Charming Dram Glenallachie 13 Year Old

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